More than 40 (forty) years of experience in Corporates and as a Professional Practitioner
He is a Fellow Chartered Accountant (FCA) from
The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW)
- Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand (CAANZ)
- The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB)
Chairman, Audit Committee
Member, Investment Committee
Mr. Ali Ashfaq FCA is a fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales, Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand, and the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh. Mr. Ashfaq has more than 40 (forty) years of experience in Corporates and as a Professional Practitioner. He joined KPMG Bangladesh (RRH) in March 2006 as a partner and retired in October 2024. Mr. Ashfaq was responsible for IT advisory services and corporate finance services within the firm. In addition, he was the CIO of the firm. Mr. Ashfaq has extensive experience in statutory audits, special audits, corporate tax, personal tax, indirect tax, company valuation, feasibility studies, strategic planning, financial management, internal controls, key performance indicators, restructuring, information risk management, IT advisory, etc.
He has extensive work experiences in Bangladesh, Australia and UK. He worked as Regional Finance Director, Asia Region (Regional CFO) based in Dhaka at Halcrow Bangladesh Ltd (1998 to 2005) – a subsidiary of British engineering consultancy company Halcrow Group Ltd, which was subsequently acquired by Jacobs, USA. He was responsible for all the financial aspects of Halcrow operations in Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam. His responsibilities included the entire financial management, financial reporting, budgetary control, treasury, external and internal (Halcrow group) financial reporting, etc.
Other activities:
- He is a Board Member of Biman Bangladesh Airlines and Chairman of Audit & Finance Sub-Committee.
- He is a member of a 6-member National Review Committee formed by the Interim Government to review the agreements
signed under Quick Enhancement of Electricity and Energy Supply (Special Provision) Act 2010 (Amended 2021).
- He is a Member, Board of Advisors, Bangladesh Accounting Association.
- He is an Executive Committee Member and Treasurer of Gulshan Society.
- He is an Executive Board Member and Treasurer of BCCP.
- He is a Member and Past President of Rotary Club of Baridhara.